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Title Optimization of accurate estimation of single diode solar photovoltaic parameters and extraction of maximum power point under different conditions
Subject maximum power point, maximum power point error, genetic algorithm, flower pollination algorithm
Author Mian Farhan Ullah
Publish Year 2021
Diss#. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2021.6.07
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract With the snowballing requirement of renewable resources of energy, solar energy has been an area of key concern to the increasing demand for electricity. Solar photovoltaic has gotten a considerable amount of consideration from researchers in recent years. Purpose. For generating nearly realistic curves for the solar cell model it is needed to estimate unknown parameters with utmost precision. The five unknown parameters include diode-ideality factor, shunt-resistance, photon-current, diode dark saturation current, and series-resistance. Novelty. The proposed research method hybridizes flower pollination algorithm with least square method to better estimate the unknown parameters, and produce more realistic curves. Methodology. The proposed method shows many promising results that are more realistic in nature, as compared to other methods. Shunt-resistance and series-resistance are considered and diode constant is not neglected in this approach that previously has been in practice. The