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Title Self-Energy Approach for solving the Wigner-Transport Equation
Subject 2nd International Wigner Workshop, Book of Abstract
Author Dirk Schulz, Khurram S. Khalid and Lukas Schulz
Publish Year 2017
Diss#. Windermere, UK
Text Language English
Library Section Conference Proceedings
Abstract An efficient numerical solution of the Wigner-transport equation based on the Wigner-Weyl transformation is desirable. Unfortunately, conventional approaches suffer from different drawbacks. On the one hand the drift operator represents a function, which oscillates strongly due to the spatial frequency leading to high approximation errors as the Fourier integrals within the Wigner-transport equation are not converging with respect to the Hartree-Fock potential [1]. On the other hand so-called upwind difference methods are used for the numerical approximation, which overestimate diffusion effects [2]. Therefore, coherent effects cannot be described adequately and inherent errors are a consequence. Furthermore, local boundary conditions are assumed, which neglect the non-local behavior of quantum mechanics [3]. Open boundary conditions are needed. The numerical results deviate from the results obtained by coherent models when scattering is neglected