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Title Observer design for one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear systems subject to measurement delays
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Author S. Ahmad, R. Majeed, M. Rehan and K.-S. Hong
Publish Year 2014
Diss#. 10.1155/2015/879492
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract This paper presents a novel nonlinear observer-design approach to one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear systems in the presence of output delays.The crux of the approach is to overcomethe practical consequences of timedelays, encountered due to distant sensor position and time lag in measurement, for estimation of physical and engineering nonlinear system states.ALyapunov-Krasovskii functional is employed, the time derivative of which is solved using Jensen’s inequality, one-sided Lipschitz condition, and quadratic innerboundedness, and, accordingly, design conditions for delay-range-dependent nonlinear observer for delayed one-sided Lipschitz systems are derived. Further, novel solutions to the problems of delay-dependent observer synthesis of one-sided Lipschitz models and delay-range-dependent state estimation of linear and Lipschitz nonlinear systems are deduced from the present delay-rangedependent technique. An observer formulation methodology for retrieval of one-sided Lipschitz nonline