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Title Dynamic voltage regulation and power export in a distribution system using distributed generation
Subject Power quality, Distributed generation, Voltage sags, Series injection
Author Aamir HANIF , Muhammad Ahmed CHOUDHRY
Publish Year 2009
Diss#. doi:10.1631/jzus.A0820699
Pages 1523-1531
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract The major aim of power quality (PQ) enhancing techniques is to maintain a specified voltage magnitude at a desired frequency for sensitive loads irrespective of faults on the power distribution network. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is a device used to mitigate voltage sags to regulate load voltage. This paper presents a mathematical model for leading series voltage injection to mitigate sags thereby achieving the improvement of the utility power factor as well as power sharing between the DVR and utility. The power sharing will be as per requirement to compensate the sags considering the available distributed generation (DG). The approach of mitigating voltage sags using the concept of leading series voltage injection is suitable for those locations where phase shift in the voltage will not cause any problem. The MATLAB/SIMULINK SimPowerSystem toolbox has been used to obtain simulation results to verify the proposed mathematical model.