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Title Numerical Simulation of Aerospike Nozzle Inviscid Isentropic Flowfield.
Subject Flow field, Plug, Nozzle, Numerical, Inviscid, FLUENT
Author K. M. Khan,S. Khushnood
Publish Year 2013
Diss#. -
Pages 1340-1349
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract The flowfield established on the axisymmetric aerospike/plug nozzle in quiescent air is explored numerically. Nozzle profiles have been constructed using the canonical FORTRAN programs. Inviscid flow analysis has been performed using FLUENT package to qualify the plug nozzle flowfield. Study and investigation of the following configurations have been performed. Internal-external expansion full-length contoured case. Externalexpansion contoured full-length and truncated cases. Internal-external expansion conical full-length and truncated cases. Theory and simulation results show agreement in some cases. There are disagreements that require further investigations.