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Title Looking at adsorption of cellulases NS 50013 onto Avicel PH 101 and Protobind 1000 through isotherms and thermodynamics
Subject Protobind 1000; Lignin; Cellulose; Langmuir; Isotherms
Author Dr. K. S. Baig
Publish Year
Diss#. 10.4172/2252-5211.1000222
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract Understanding adsorption characteristics of cellulases can help to control the mechanism of adsorption of cellulases onto wheat straw. Desorption and reuse of cellulases is a way to decrease cost of production of bioethanol which can be perfected with knowledge of adsorption characteristics of cellulases. Adsorption of cellulases NS 50013 onto microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101) and wheat straw lignin (Protobind 1000) was studied in batch reactors. Protobind adsorbed twice the amount of cellulases as did Avicel PH 101 and the rate of adsorption was higher than that of Avicel PH 101. A comparison of three (most used) adsorption isotherms was conducted to see: i) A correlation between cellulases adsorbed and initial cellulases loading, ii) Is it a monolayer adsorption, iii) Adsorption capacities of the substrates. It was observed that Langmuir isotherm was a good representation of adsorption for both Avicel and Protobind on correlation coefficient of 0.9572 and 0.9880. The Gibbs f