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Title Pressure-Time Study of Slow Burning Rate AP/HTPB Based Composite Propellant by Using Closed Vessel Test (CVT)
Subject Closed Vessel Test, Ammonium perchlorate, Pressure-Time curve.
Author Hizba Waheed, Amir Mukhtar, Habib Naasir
Publish Year 2017
Diss#. https://www.scientific.net/KEM.778. 268
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract The Closed vessel (CV) is an equipment used to study the ballistic parameters by recording burning time history, pressure buildup during the process and vivacity of the propellants. It consists of strong pressure vessel, piezo-electric pressure transducers, sensors and dedicated software. To save time and resources this method is employed instead of dynamic firing while doing research and development of propellants. A measured amount of propellant charge is loaded in the vessel and fired remotely. Ignition is provided by the filament which ignites the black powder charge. In this study, we have used Closed Vessel Tests (CVT) for the first time for recording the ballistic parameters of slow burning composite rocket propellant. We developed a set of composite solid propellant samples containing a mixture of bimodal Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) as an oxidizer, Hydroxy-terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) as a binder as well as fuel, Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS) as plasticizer, 1-(2-methyl) Aziridinyl P