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Title Effect of Initial Static Bed Height and Liquid Superficial Velocity on the Minimum Fluidization Velocity (Umf) and Pressure Drop for the Bed of Semolina Particles in Liquid-Solid Fluidization
Subject Closed Vessel Test, Ammonium perchlorate, Pressure-Time curve.
Author Waqar Ali Khan, Usman Asghar and Imran Shamshad
Publish Year 2016
Diss#. DOI:10.4172/2157-7048.1000312
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract The successful and economical design, scale up and operation of a fluidized bed reactor depends upon the true prediction of its bed hydrodynamics. The present research has been carried out to study the hydrodynamics behavior of bed of semolina particles in liquid solid fluidization. The prime objective of this research work is to study the effect of liquid superficial velocity and variation in static bed height on the minimum fluidization velocity and pressure drop. Liquid-solid fluidization is characterized by the uniform expansion of bed particles; therefore, it is known as particulate fluidization. In liquid, solid fluidization, there is no bubbling phase, that is the main cause of uniform bed expansion. Liquid-solid fluidization has extensive field of applications, i.e., in hydrometallurgy, waste water treatment, biochemical processing and food technology. Minimum fluidization velocity and pressure drop are important hydrodynamic parameters in the design and scale up of fluidized b