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Title Modelling and Optimization of a Carbon Capturing Membrane Using Computational Fluid Dynamics with Case Study
Subject Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant, Carbon Capture and Storage, Gas Permeating Membrane, CFD Based Design of Gas Permeating Membraneation
Author Syed Abdul Moiz Hashmi*, Rabia Sabir, Adnan Ahmed
Publish Year 2021
Diss#. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecec.20210701.14
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract IGCC power plant is the one in which coal is gasified and then the energy is used to drive both gas turbine and steam turbines to produce energy. As the industrial revolution is progressing more and more carbon dioxide is being added to the environment every single day which is leading the world towards the biggest environmental hazards we have ever faced, global warming being the leading consequence, so capturing the carbon dioxide which is emitted from sources like power plants is of the utmost importance. The main idea of this research paper is to provide an innovative way of capturing carbon dioxide emissions from a coal powered power plant. This research paper discusses the design and modeling of a carbon capturing membrane which is being used in an IGCC power plant to capture carbon dioxide from its exhaust gases. The modeling and design of the membrane is done using CFD software namely Ansys workbench. The design and modeling is done using two simulations, one describes the desi