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Title Graphene-based photocatalyst for organic pollutant removal: Recent progress and future challenges
Subject Graphene-photocatalyst, organic pollutant degradation, photodegradation
Author Rabia Sabir
Publish Year 2021
Diss#. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622515.2021.1994658
Text Language English
Library Section Research Article
Abstract Graphene (G), a two-dimensional carbon layer, is regarded as twenty-first century wonder material and due to its remarkable physio-chemical properties it has been explored for application in various science and technology areas. In environmental remediation field, the quest for ecofriendly and green processes has put a growing emphasis on solar-driven photocatalysis. The conventional semiconductor photocatalysts suffer with the shortcoming of electron–hole pair recombination, aggregation and wide band gap, which inhibit their commercialization. Coupling of graphene derivatives, such as graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO), with semiconductors (TiO2, ZnO) offers a considerable potential to enhance the photocatalytic efficiency by providing higher surface area, stability, and fast electron conduction ability. Numerous papers have been published in recent years which couples Graphene, GO and RGO with different semiconductors for photocatalytic degradation of various organi